How Are Aircraft Engines Tested?

Aircraft engine testing, especially on commercial flights, is top-priority to ensure safety for everyone on board. According to the FAA, more than 42,000 flights and 2,587,000 passengers traveled in the United States in 2016. Seeing exactly how many people rely on commercial aircraft for domestic transportation further emphasizes the importance of engine testing. All Weather [...]

By |February 5th, 2018|Technology|Comments Off on How Are Aircraft Engines Tested?

Pilot Profile: Albert Ball

Britain’s first great ace Albert Ball was a sensational World War I fighter pilot who made history at a young age. Ball was born August 14, 1896 in Nottingham, England to Sir Albert Ball and Harriett Mary page. He enjoyed learning about engines and electrical equipment as a child and had an impressive aim when shooting [...]

By |February 2nd, 2018|Pilot Profile|Comments Off on Pilot Profile: Albert Ball