5 Emergency Landings that Made History

When going up in the air, we all hope that, in the end, we reach our destinations safely. We cross our fingers for "textbook" takeoffs and landings. Most of the time, we get our wish--flying is easy peasy. But sometimes our finger crossing isn't enough and things don't go by the book. In the event that [...]

By |May 8th, 2017|Aviation History, General Aviation|Comments Off on 5 Emergency Landings that Made History

Plane of the Week: Airbus A310

The Airbus A310 was derived from the A300, the first twin-engine, wide-body airliner. But this derivative of the Airbus A300 introduced some significant changes to commercial air travel. Design and Production The Airbus A310 is just one of the planes to have come from the original Airbus A300B. This aircraft was shorter than the other [...]

By |May 5th, 2017|Plane Of The Week|Comments Off on Plane of the Week: Airbus A310

The Early History of Commercial Air Travel

In 2016, 3.8 billion people traveled by air, and IATA expects that number to double over the course of 20 years. This isn't unreasonable, considering that the 4 billion passengers expected to fly commercially this year is double what it was just 12 years ago. Suffice it to say, commercial air travel is common these days. [...]

By |May 3rd, 2017|Aviation History, General Aviation|Comments Off on The Early History of Commercial Air Travel

Aerodynamics and the Wingtip Flip

I remember when I was taught to fold up the tips of wings on my paper airplanes. I was told that it would help them fly better, but I mostly listened and folded them up because I thought it looked cool. Today, many airplanes feature winglets. Why? Because they help them fly better. The Aerodynamic Revolution [...]

By |May 1st, 2017|General Aviation|Comments Off on Aerodynamics and the Wingtip Flip